- [越缇纺织动态]Why do you need a custom scarf? Manufacturers tell you about the importance of documentary (2) - Yue Timei2022年03月10日 15:41
- Last time we talked about why scarf manufacturers need to have a documentary, what needs to be done, what kind of person is suitable for what kind of documentary job, then we will continue to talk about what an excellent documentary needs. Skill?
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾定制为什么要跟单?厂家和你讲述跟单的重要性(二)——越缇美2022年03月10日 15:12
- 在上次我们说到了围巾厂家为什么要有跟单,跟单需要去做什么,什么样的人适合什么样的跟单职务,那我们就在继续讲讲,一个优秀的跟单需要什么样的技能?
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- [越缇纺织动态]Why do you need a custom scarf? Manufacturers tell you about the importance of documentary (1) - Yue Timei2022年03月09日 15:01
- Among the customers we have docked with, there are many customers who have doubts about the strength of the manufacturer. At this time, the documentary is a presence that can prove the strength of the manufacturer. Why should the scarf customization be documentary? What is the importance of copying? What do the orders do? Today we will explain to you the importance of copy orders!
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾定制为什么要跟单?厂家和你讲述跟单的重要性(一)——越缇美2022年03月09日 14:44
- 在我们对接的客户中,不乏有客户会对于厂家实力的疑虑,在这种时候,跟单就是一个可以证明厂家实力的存在,围巾定制为什么要跟单?跟单的重要性是什么?跟单都是做什么的?今天我们就和大家讲解一下跟单的重要性!
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- [越缇纺织动态]What are you sending on the Queen's Day on March 8? Are you ready for such a gift? - Yue Timei2022年03月08日 15:29
- What to give on March 8th Queen's Day? I don't know if you have already thought about what kind of gifts to prepare. In this day, what kind of things are sincere and intentional? I don't know if these gifts can help you!
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- [越缇纺织动态]三八女王节送什么,这样的礼品你准备好了吗?——越缇美2022年03月08日 14:52
- 三八女王节送什么?不知道你是否已经想好了准备什么样的礼品,在这种日子里,什么样的东西是有诚意也有心意的呢?不知道这一些礼品能否帮助到你!
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- [越缇纺织动态]What to give on March 8th Queen's Day? Such gifts are extravagant and convenient - Yue Timei2022年03月07日 15:31
- The March 8th Queen's Day is coming. What gifts are we going to prepare? If you haven't made up your mind, you can click in and see!
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- [越缇纺织动态]三八女王节送什么?这样的礼品贵气还方便——越缇美2022年03月07日 15:13
- 三八女王节就要到了,我们要准备什么礼物呢,如果你没有想好,可以点进来看看!
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- [越缇纺织动态]Small knowledge sharing of scarf customization, what do the merchandisers of scarf manufacturers do? - Yue Timei2022年03月06日 16:20
- We shared some little knowledge of scarf manufacturers in the previous content. There is a customer recently. We are telling him that he doesn't need to follow the order. Our scarf manufacturer has its own merchandiser. He said what is the order? Meaning, take this opportunity to tell you what the merchandiser means!
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾定制小知识分享,围巾厂家的跟单员是做什么?——越缇美2022年03月06日 16:08
- 我们在前面的内容里分享了一些围巾厂家的小知识,这不近期有个客户我们我们在和他说不需要他去跟单,我们围巾厂家有自己的跟单员,他说跟单是什么意思,借此机会我们来和大家说说跟单员的意思!
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- [越缇纺织动态]Scarf manufacturers custom scarf steps, scarf knowledge sharing (documentary) (3) - Yue Timei2022年03月05日 15:07
- We shared the identification and selection of fabrics with you two days ago, as well as the logistics and transportation issues. We received a message saying that we would like to learn more about the knowledge of scarf manufacturers, so the scarf manufacturers will share with you some things you don’t know or Little knowledge you know but you don't know!
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾厂家定制围巾步骤,围巾小知识分享(跟单)(三)——越缇美2022年03月05日 14:52
- 我们在前两天和大家分享了面料的辨别和选择,以及物流运输的问题,我们收到留言说,还想在了解一下围巾厂家的知识,那么围巾厂家就在个大家分享一些你不知道或者你知道但你不清楚的小知识吧!
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- [越缇纺织动态]Small knowledge sharing of scarf manufacturers, how to choose the shipping method - Yuetimei2022年03月04日 15:36
- Hello everyone, I shared with you some little knowledge about the production of scarves by scarf manufacturers last time. Some friends privately messaged us that they would like to see other little knowledge, so let's talk about the little knowledge of shipping!
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾厂家小知识分享,出货要怎么选择出货方式——越缇美2022年03月04日 15:01
- 大家好,上次给大家分享了一些关于围巾厂家生产围巾的小知识,有朋友私信我们说还想看看其他的小知识,那么我们来说说冠以出货的小知识吧!
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- [越缇纺织动态]How do scarf manufacturers make scarves, these little knowledge about scarves that you don't know - Yue Timei2022年03月03日 14:56
- Recently, I received a message from some customers asking us how the scarf manufacturer makes scarves. I want to know other small knowledge of scarf customization, so today we will share with you how our scarf manufacturer makes scarves!
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾厂家怎么做围巾的,围巾的这些你不知道的小知识——越缇美2022年03月03日 14:38
- 近日收到了一些客户的留言,问我们围巾厂家是怎么做围巾的,想在了解一下其他的围巾定制的小知识,所以今天我们就来给大家分享一下我们围巾厂家是怎么做围巾的!
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- [越缇纺织动态]How to identify scarf fabrics, methods of scarf manufacturers to identify scarf fabrics (2) - Yuetimei2022年03月02日 15:19
- Last time we introduced the more common sensory identification methods, this time we will introduce other methods to identify scarf fabrics!
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- [越缇纺织动态]如何鉴别围巾面料,围巾厂家鉴别围巾面料的方法(二)——越缇美2022年03月02日 14:54
- 上次我们介绍了比较常见感官鉴别法,这次我们来介绍其他鉴别围巾面料的方法!
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- [越缇纺织动态]Customized silk scarves, how do scarf manufacturers identify the quality of fabrics (1) - Yuetimei2022年03月01日 15:03
- If you want to customize a silk scarf, but don't know whether the manufacturer's products are good or bad, then the scarf manufacturer will share with you our method of identifying custom silk scarf fabrics!
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- [越缇纺织动态]定制真丝围巾,围巾厂家怎么鉴别面料的好坏(一)——越缇美2022年03月01日 14:22
- 想要定制真丝围巾,又不知道厂家的产品是好是坏,那么围巾厂家就和大家分享一下我们鉴别定制真丝围巾面料的方法吧!
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- 越缇小编的问答时间到啦...
- 越缇小编的问答时间到啦...