- [越缇纺织动态]温州丝巾定制logo,这个厂家可以让你有形象——越缇美2023年01月04日 16:39
- 我所接触到的顾客中不乏有一些客户想定制自己家的LOGO,近两天来有一位客户,他想定制自己的丝巾,然后把自己的LOGO定制在上面,但是他找了温州丝巾定制logo的厂家,并没有找到合适的,然后在网页上看到我们厂家,在和我们交谈时,选择了相信我们,让我们为他定制丝巾! 我的客户温州丝巾定制logo,他想要的质量是好的,因为在这个城市,顾客的需求都比较高,不管是手感还是质量,他们都有自己的要求,不喜欢次品、质量差的产品,那他们为什么还要相信我们?由于我们有自己的系统,所以能让客户信
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- [越缇纺织动态]The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf? ——Vietnam2023年01月03日 15:53
- The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf is the difference between cashmere and wool. The differences are listed as follows: 1. Different sources Wool comes from sheep. Even though sheep's wool is very fine, it is called wool i...
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- [越缇纺织动态]山羊绒围巾好在哪,怎么才让你的客户喜欢——越缇美2023年01月03日 15:53
- 你们是否时常在想,冬季定制什么样的围巾,才是你的客户喜欢的,冬季的寒意在渐渐的让我们身处的环境变得愈发的冷清,偶尔的阳光成了小憩的陪衬,那么在冬季怎么才能赢得你客户的喜欢呢?在这里我推荐你有人围巾,也就是山羊绒围巾,那么你会问山羊绒围巾好在哪?带着这个问题我们来为你解释轮一番! 山羊绒围巾好在哪,可能大多数的客户区分不了他们之间的区别,觉得说山羊绒的围巾也就是我们常说的羊绒围巾为什么价格会这么的贵,羊毛的价格都没有羊绒的价格贵,那么我们在选择的时候,一般的客户需求的是高的
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- [越缇纺织动态]The big red cashmere scarf, the factor that continues to rise in price——Yetimei2023年01月02日 16:18
- We are familiar with the topic of cashmere red scarf. In the previous article, we also talked about the category of cashmere red scarf, so today we will continue to take you to analyze the factors of the price increase of cashmere red scarf...
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- [越缇纺织动态]羊绒红色大围巾,价格持续上涨的因素——越缇美2023年01月02日 16:18
- 羊绒红色大围巾,这个话题我们是比较熟悉的,前面的文章我们也说过关于羊绒红色大围巾这个一类别的,那么我们今天继续带大家来分析一下羊绒红色大围巾价格上涨的因素! 我们在上次说到因为疫情的影响,因而在内蒙那边的货源受到了一些影响,那么除了这个因素,我们还说过的一些限电的影响,那么除了这些影响,还有什么的影响呢?我们接着分析,在市场环境的影响下,今年的物价是处在一直持续上涨的阶段,我们也是可以看见的,现在的食品类的价格也是上涨的比较厉害的,那么随着物价的上涨,我们现在也是可以看见这
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- [越缇纺织动态]Customized scarves, do you know these points - Yuetimei2023年01月01日 16:21
- As a scarf manufacturer, we will encounter various problems. A while ago, the customer wanted to customize scarves from us, but the customer really didn't understand this aspect. What are the small precautions for customized scarves? What are the small precautions for customized scarves? If we don't know the professional knowledge, we can learn some simple things first, such as the size, weight, and meter of customized scarves.
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- [越缇纺织动态]定制丝巾,你清楚这几点吗——越缇美2023年01月01日 16:16
- 作为围巾制造商,我们会遇到各种各样的问题。前段时间客户想找我们定制围巾,但是客户真的不太了解这方面。定制围巾有哪些小注意事项?定制围巾有哪些小注意事项?如果我们不了解专业知识,那么我们可以先了解一些简单的,比如定制围巾的尺寸、克重、姆米等等。
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- [越缇纺织动态]What's the choice of boys' scarves? The manufacturer has something to say - Yuetimei2022年12月31日 16:06
- How to choose a boy's scarf? Finding a suitable scarf is the right thing to do. Try to choose a dark color tone on the color so that the clothes won't look stiff. There is no mistake in choosing a matching method with a coat, and this matching method is a common one. Then, how to choose the boys' scarves? Choose the dark colors in the colors, and choose the coats for combination.
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- [越缇纺织动态]男生围巾怎么选,厂家有话说——越缇美2022年12月31日 15:56
- 男生围巾怎么选,找到适合自己的围巾才是应该做的,在颜色上边尽量选深色系的色调,搭衣服才不会显得生硬,选择与大衣搭配,这类搭配方式是不会有任何错误的,并且这种搭配方式是我们比较常见的一种搭配方式。那么,男生围巾怎么选,在颜色上挑选深色的色调,搭配上挑选大衣去组合。
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- [越缇纺织动态]真丝围巾厂家祝大家腊八节快乐——越缇美2022年12月30日 16:38
- 真丝围巾厂家祝大家腊八节快乐——越缇美
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- [越缇纺织动态]17 kinds of scarves make you beautiful -- Yuetimei2022年12月29日 15:40
- Step 2: Pass one end through the ring and don't go to the other side; Step 2: Tie a knot at one end; Step 2: Tie a knot at one end; Step 2: Tie a knot at one end; Step 2: Tie a knot at one end; Step 2: Tie a knot at one end; Step 2: Tie a knot at one end; Step 2: Tie a knot at one end;
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- [越缇纺织动态]17种围巾的各种围法让您美翻天——越缇美2022年12月29日 15:36
- Step2:将一端从圆环中穿过,别到另一边;Step2:一端打个结;Step2:一端打个结;Step2:一端打个结;Step2:一端打个结;Step2:一端打个结;Step2:一端打个结;Step2:一端打个结;
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- [越缇纺织动态]How can I tie a scarf? I have three methods - Yuetimei2022年12月28日 16:27
- How can we make ourselves look different? It's too late for you and the disabled to get together! The style of hanging neck looks really simple, but the scarf hanging neck is more suitable for wearing! Generally speaking, the scarves hanging around the neck are the scarves such as coats. Speaking of the simple hanging neck style, the second way we talk about is how to tie the scarf, which is also a hanging neck style.
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾怎么系好看,我这边有三种方法——越缇美2022年12月28日 16:21
- 我们怎样才能让自己看起来与众不同?适合你和残疾人聚会的时间都太晚了“懒癌晚期”人士!挂脖子的风格看起来真的很简单,但是挂脖子的围巾更适合穿!一般来说,挂脖子的围巾选择搭配的衣服是外套等围巾。说到简单的挂颈式,我们谈论的第二种方法是如何系好围巾,这也是一种挂颈式。
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- [越缇纺织动态]Various enclosure methods of scarves, which highlight the temperament -- Yuetimei2022年12月16日 16:09
- Actually, no. What kind of enclosure can improve your temperament? The various styles of scarves and the styles of shawls are simple and clear, and you can see what kind of styles of scarves are. The temperament of models is different for a simple group, and scarves of different materials also have different feelings. The neck hanging type can be directly selected for the various enclosure methods of the scarf. This enclosure method is very common in cashmere scarves or wool scarves.
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾的各种围法,这几种围法凸显气质——越缇美2022年12月16日 16:04
- 事实上,不是。什么样的围法可以改善你的气质?围巾的各种围法,披肩的风格,这种简单明了就能看出什么样的围法,简单的一批,模特的气质感觉不一样,不同材质的围巾也有不同的感觉。围巾的各种围法2可以直接选择挂颈式,这种围法在羊绒围巾或羊毛围巾中很常见。
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- [越缇纺织动态]What kind of scarf do you like? - Yuetimei2022年12月15日 16:17
- After talking about the pictures of scarves made of silk and cashmere, let's look at the pictures of scarves made of wool and silk. In fact, in addition to the manufacturer's photos, there are also patterns you want to customize, which can also be displayed on the scarves. Customized scarves, documents, high-definition pictures, or your paintings can all be displayed on the scarves.
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾图片,你喜欢什么样子的——越缇美2022年12月15日 16:07
- 讲了真丝和羊绒的围巾照片,大家再看看羊毛和丝巾的围巾照片。其实除了厂家的照片还有的就是自己想定做的花型,还可以在围巾上显现出来,订制你想要的围巾,文档也罢,高清的图片,或者你的画作,你的LOGO都是能够在围巾上体现呈现出来的。
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- [越缇纺织动态]What does a scarf mean? Do you know the meaning of these words - Yuetimei2022年12月14日 14:52
- Nowadays, people express their love in a very euphemistic way. They may not say I love you directly, but choose some other forms, such as gifts. Then there are also some special gifts, such as scarves. Then we say what scarves mean. What does a scarf mean.
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- [越缇纺织动态]送围巾代表什么意思?你清楚这些意义吗——越缇美2022年12月14日 14:49
- 现在的大家表达爱意的方法都是非常的委婉,也许不会直接说我爱你,而是选择一些其他的形式,比如说送一些礼品啊什么的,那么送的东西也是有一些讲究的,比如说围巾,那送围巾代表什么。那么我们说送围巾代表什么。送围巾代表什么意思呢。
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