- [越缇纺织动态]How to choose a scarf, you need to know this question——Yue Timei2021年07月14日 15:15
- Recently, a lot of customers have come to us for inquiries about custom-made silk scarves, so today I will tell you how to choose a scarf? How to choose this scarf, we can start from these two customer types. One is a medium customer, and ...
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- [越缇纺织动态]The price of silk scarves, the manufacturer has something to say——Yuetimei2021年07月13日 14:04
- Yesterday we had a customer who wanted to open a shop and sell some scarves and silk scarves. He wanted to inquire about the price of silk scarves. He said, how much will it cost if I want to sell it? So about the price of this silk scarf, ...
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- [越缇纺织动态]Silk scarf custom manufacturer-Yuetmei2021年07月12日 15:08
- Where is the custom silk scarf manufacturer? I don’t know if my friends have ever thought about this problem. In summer, many buyers will customize silk scarves, which becomes a selling point in summer. Of course, silk scarves are not...
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- [越缇纺织动态]围巾的英文是什么?比较全的英文写法——越缇美2021年06月26日 15:48
- 身为一个围巾厂家,我们面对的客户是来自各个地方的,也不乏有一些国外的客户,那么我就把整理的英文告诉大家,围巾的英文是什么! 常见的围巾的英文是scarf,除了这个单词以外还有它的复数形式,scarves,这两种可以说是我们比较常见的两种形式了,除了这两种以外,小编还在翻译软件上看见了这些关于围巾的英文: Muffler:围巾、厚手套、减音器、消声器 Shawl:围巾,披肩 Neckerchief:围巾,颈巾 Muffle:围巾、厚手套 以上的这几种围巾的英文可能相对sca
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- 越缇小编的问答时间到啦...
- 越缇小编的问答时间到啦...
- 越缇小编的问答时间到啦...