- [越缇纺织动态]What are the differences between cashmere scarves and wool scarves -- Yuetimei2022年11月09日 16:24
- Cashmere is a thin layer of velvet, which grows on the skin of goats and hides on the thick roots of goats. When the hair is removed in spring, herdsmen will use a special iron comb to catch it bit by bit like a comb and turn it into the original cashmere. Each sheep can produce several kilograms of wool every year, and each sheep can only harvest dozens of grams of cashmere every year. Fourth, the skin affinity is different.
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- [越缇纺织动态]羊绒围巾和羊毛围巾有哪些不同——越缇美2022年11月09日 15:57
- 羊绒是一层薄薄的天鹅绒,生长在山羊的皮肤上,隐藏在山羊的粗根上。春天脱毛时,牧民会像梳子一样用特殊的铁梳一点一点地抓住,变成原来的羊绒。每只羊每年能产几公斤羊毛,每只羊每年只能收获几十克羊绒。第四,亲肤性不同。
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