- [越缇纺织动态]数码印花:真丝围巾定制的技术改革——越缇美2024年03月24日 16:28
- 坚信各位熟悉过,在丝巾围巾定制中,假如采用传统式的打印方法定做很繁杂的图案设计,不但消耗的费用会提升,工作内容十分繁杂,而且图案设计繁杂时,订制图案设计的印染厂实际效果也会下降。围巾印花厂家碰到这样的状况一般会选用数码印花,那麼就要围巾印花厂家给我们介绍一下数码印花的优点。 数码印花的竞争优势有三点: 围巾印花厂家——定制真丝围巾的图样与颜色细致度提高 数码印花能够利用操纵喷墨打印机打印机喷头的墨点尺寸,随便线性度,订制图案设计细致
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- [越缇纺织动态]As a scarf printing manufacturer, let me introduce to you about digital printing - yuetimei2023年05月19日 16:21
- I firmly believe that you are familiar with it. In the customization of silk scarves and scarves, if the traditional printing method is used to customize the very complicated pattern design, not only the cost will be increased and the work ...
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- [越缇纺织动态]作为围巾印花厂家,给大家介绍一下关于数码印花——越缇美2023年02月08日 17:17
- 坚信各位熟悉过,在丝巾围巾定制中,假如采用传统式的打印方法定做很繁杂的图案设计,不但消耗的费用会提升,工作内容十分繁杂,而且图案设计繁杂时,订制图案设计的印染厂实际效果也会下降。围巾印花厂家碰到这样的状况一般会选用数码印花,那麼就要围巾印花厂家给我们介绍一下数码印花的优点。 数码印花的竞争优势有三点: 围巾印花厂家——定制真丝围巾的图样与颜色细致度提高 数码印花能够利用操纵喷墨打印机打印机喷头的墨点尺寸,随便线性度,订制图案设计细致
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- [越缇纺织动态]How much do you know about digital printing - Yuetimei2022年09月24日 16:35
- Scarf printing manufacturers -- manufacturers that customize silk scarves to improve the sample drawings and color fineness -- order products with complicated design patterns. Digital printing has become increasingly sound in the industry of silk scarves customization, and technical reform is also continuing. If you have requirements for customized silk scarves, warmly welcome to call Shaoxing Yueti Textile Garments Co., Ltd., where the enterprise integrates scheme design - one-stop customization of finished products, uses 30 digital printing technology, environmental protection color paste, 20000 pieces per day, and calls 13957526630
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- [越缇纺织动态]关于数码印花,你了解多少呢——越缇美2022年09月24日 16:33
- 围巾印花厂家——订制真丝围巾的样图与色调细腻度提高围巾印花厂家——设计图案繁琐的订商品,数码印花的反应灵敏数码印花早已在真丝围巾定制这一行业中日渐健全,技术性的改革也是在持续开展。假如您对定制真丝围巾有要求,热烈欢迎拨打绍兴越缇纺织服饰有限公司,企业集方案设计-成品一站式定制,采用30数码印花技术性,环境保护色浆,日常2万条,电话13957526630
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- [越缇纺织动态]As a scarf printing manufacturer, let me introduce to you about digital printing - yuetimei2021年11月06日 17:04
- I firmly believe that you are familiar with it. In the customization of silk scarves and scarves, if the traditional printing method is used to customize the very complicated pattern design, not only the cost will be increased and the work ...
- 阅读(19)
- [越缇纺织动态]As a scarf printing manufacturer, let me introduce to you about digital printing - yuetimei2021年09月24日 16:02
- I firmly believe that you are familiar with it. In the customization of silk scarves and scarves, if the traditional printing method is used to customize the very complicated pattern design, not only the cost will be increased and the work ...
- 阅读(18)
- [越缇纺织动态]作为围巾印花厂家,给大家介绍一下关于数码印花——越缇美2021年09月24日 15:59
- 坚信各位熟悉过,在丝巾围巾定制中,假如采用传统式的打印方法定做很繁杂的图案设计,不但消耗的费用会提升,工作内容十分繁杂,而且图案设计繁杂时,订制图案设计的印染厂实际效果也会下降。围巾印花厂家碰到这样的状况一般会选用数码印花,那麼就要围巾印花厂家给我们介绍一下数码印花的优点。 数码印花的竞争优势有三点: 围巾印花厂家——定制真丝围巾的图样与颜色细致度提高 数码印花能够利用操纵喷墨打印机打印机喷头的墨点尺寸,随便线性度,订制图案设计细致
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